Healer's Guide to Utur-Vyta and Terra Fera


M.R.Blackthorn: Cleaned up the mess I made of the new layout XD Jul 18, 2017 19:55:20 GMT
M.R.Blackthorn: Everything(and I really mean everything this time) is done for the Ketep character base, at least what will be out for Alpha Stage ^.^ Now I can focus fully on the site and cleaning up the guides, info, and such! And, it's entirely possible we could meet- Jul 19, 2017 23:15:07 GMT
M.R.Blackthorn: -the goal Peace and I set for July 31st being when Alpha Stage would officially open :D Jul 19, 2017 23:15:48 GMT
Peace: No partying yet, Blackthorn XD We still have so much to do! (And by "we", I mostly mean you...) Jul 19, 2017 23:18:16 GMT
M.R.Blackthorn: I know, but I still consider this a victory for now XD -Sneaks off to play Skyrim to "celebrate"- Jul 19, 2017 23:19:35 GMT
Peace: Why is "play Skyrim" always you're answer :annoyed: Jul 19, 2017 23:20:16 GMT
M.R.Blackthorn: Because I'm a lazy little couch potato and "work" is hard x3 Jul 19, 2017 23:22:37 GMT
M.R.Blackthorn: Also, I've done a lot of work lately XD Jul 19, 2017 23:35:30 GMT
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